Saturday, October 18, 2008


  1. The one exclusive sign of thorough knowledge is the power of teaching.
  2. Memory is the scribe of the soul.
  3. The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousandfold.
  4. "No notice is taken of a little evil, but when it increases it strikes the eye."
  5. "Every rascal is not a thief, but every thief is a rascal."
  6. The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet."
  7. "Of all the varieties of virtues, liberalism is the most beloved."
  8. The secret to humor is surprise.
  9. Personal beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of reference.
  10. Homer has taught all other poets the art of telling lies skillfully.
  11. The virtue of justice consists in moderation, as regulated by wisdom."
  12. "The beauty of the soul shines out when a man bears with composure one heavy mischance after another, not because he does not feel them, but because he is a man of high and heroic temper."
  13. The soul never thinks without a picture.
  14. Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.
  15. In revolutions the occasions may be trifling but great interest are at stake.
  16. The wise man does not expose himself needlessly to danger, since there are few things for which he cares sufficiently; but he is willing, in great crises, to give even his life -- knowing that under certain conditions it is not worthwhile to live."
  17. The energy of the mind is the essence of life.
  18. The two qualities which chiefly inspire regard and affection [Are] that a thing is your own and that it is your only one.
  19. "The aim of the wise is not to secure pleasure, but to avoid pain."
  20. Most people would rather give than get affection.
  21. This is the reason why mothers are more devoted to their children than fathers: it is that they suffer more in giving them birth and are more certain that they are their own.
  22. The true end of tragedy is to purify the passions.
  23. "Therefore, the good of man must be the end of the science of politics."
  24. "The ideal man bears the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances."
  25. Praise invariably implies a reference to a higher standard.
  26. Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well."
  27. We must no more ask whether the soul and body are one than ask whether the wax and the figure impressed on it are one.
  28. "To write well, express yourself like common people, but think like a wise man. Or, think as wise men do, but speak as the common people do."
  29. The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.
  30. "Without friends, no one would want to live, even if he had all other goods."
  31. All men by nature desire knowledge.
  32. For this reason poetry is something more philosophical and more worthy of serious attention than history.
  33. All art is concerned with coming into being.
  34. "If happiness is activity in accordance with excellence, it is reasonable that it should be in accordance with the highest excellence."
  35. Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees the others.

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